The Long Grove Yacht Club, Inc. [ "LGYC" ] is an Illinois not for profit corporation which owns Sentinel Lake , its shoreline and approximately one half of Yankee Lake and its adjacent shoreline. LGYC is not affiliated with the Long Grove Country Club Estates Homeowners Association although it does work closely with its HOA when the organizations' respective interests are aligned.
The LGYC is governed by a three [3] person board of directors. The eleven [11] homeowners who own residences abutting LGYC property [seven on Sentinel and four on Yankee] are eligible to be elected members of the LGYC. Only dues paying members and their guests are permitted the use of LGYC lakes and shorelines.
The LGYC routinely treats Sentinel and Yankee to control weeds. The corporation also pays local property taxes and, from time to time, pays for necessary property maintenance. Funding for LGYC activities comes from dues paid by contributing member/residents. The LGYC reserves the right to deny the use of its waters and shorelines to owners of the eleven [11] residences abutting Sentinel and Yankee Lakes if those owners or subsequent buyers fail or refuse to pay dues assessed by the LGYC.
Questions regarding the LGYC, its lakes and shorelines, may be directed to Scott Hoyne, 2430 Lexington Drive, Long Grove 60047, telephone 847-404-1316, email [email protected]. Scott is the president of the LGYC and its legal counsel.